
For Neuro-Fascial Re-Education

Gary has dramatically improved my back pain after surgery didn’t completely fix it. He saved me on Thanksgiving Day when I re-injured my back and had to go to the ER. The ER just gave me pain meds and sent me home still in debilitating pain. I called Gary and he came in on the Holiday to release the tension in my back when nothing else worked.  

He understands how the muscles and fascia interact and how to release that tension by using trigger points and allowing the body to heal itself.  His technique is unique and not a massage, but it works so much better for me. He is a talker, but his technique works and has saved me many times. I’m grateful for his unique approach after PT, meds and surgery failed me.

— Nic D., Harlingen, TX


I’ve employed Gary’s services a few times over the years for lower back and hip pain. He’s amazing! The first time he worked on me I had my doubts. I presented with left hip pain and he worked on my right knee! Lo and behold, though, what he did relieved my pain and elongated my range of motion. He really knows his stuff.

Gary is quite a character. No doubt he’ll tell you about his Ukrainian grandfather who taught him how to work with bodies so skillfully. He’s quite a talker, and it might seem like he’s not paying attention to what he’s doing, but that’s not the case at all. He’s a bodywork genius who works intuitively while chatting away.

He offers great Groupon deals and discounts when you purchase multiple sessions at one time. In my case I bought more sessions than I needed for recovery, and he allowed me to transfer them to a friend.

If I could give him six stars I would. He’s fantastic!

— Guy B, Boulder, CO


Gary is able to cut through the chronic pain that I’ve experienced for over a decade with his myo-fascial release, which is a testament to his healing knowledge.  Although eccentric and perhaps even goofy at times (keep Boulder weird after all), my experience with him has always been personable and professional.  He cares about his clients and never makes me feel rushed while focusing on my needs throughout the entire session, ensuring I leave feeling rejuvenated and pain-free.  If you’re looking for alternative medicine, then you’ve definitely found it~

— Ryan T, Boulder CO


I have complex orthopedic conditions and previously was unable to find anything to help. I have been working with Gary Remes doing neurofascial reeducation for four years and am amazed at the improvements in gait, structural alignment and reduction in pain I have experienced as a result. …

Gary is nothing but professional. He is a skilled practitioner who has become a friend over the years. His technique is practiced fully clothed.

I encourage any of you in pain or dealing with physical issues … the more complex the better as he has an remarkable understanding of the human body … to give Gary a call. You will not regret it!

— Stephanie H, Boulder, CO


I have known Gary for over 15 years, he has a very personable way about him, making you feel at home in his presence and at the same time being professional in his work. Through my sessions with him, he helped to clear away lower back pain that I had for many years. Thank you Gary for your dedication to your work and helping others.

— Nirup B., Sedona, AZ


I have had lower back problems for almost a year with constant pain. After seeing Gary for the first time last week my body has felt the best it has since I initially hurt myself. I was finally able to sleep through the night without waking up from pain and having to readjust my sleeping position. I will definitely be going back!

— Cassidy L., Denver CO


Gary Remes has a very unique technique to take away so much pain. Without mashing on the painful place, he uses alternative points to relieve pain in communicative areas. You don’t have to remove any clothing and you lay on your back for the whole session ….you may think it’s odd at first, but when you get off the table, you will feel 10-20 years younger.

I took a bad spill on the slopes and broke a rib the first time I went to go see him and I was extremely sore with chronic thoracic pain as well. In just an hour, he got rid of all of my pain! My chronic pain subsided also. I have since seen him for debilitating back pain where I walked in not even being able to stand up straight or even creep over speed bumps in my vehicle to get to his appointment, and left with absolutely no pain. He alleviates the stress so the body can heal better and I always walk out without pain.

He also works with children and young adults with rare degenerative genetic disorders and has a keen ability to understand their pain and befriend them at the same time. This is how I discovered him as I work with a lady with Sanflippo Syndrome. At her first visit, she was in so much pain and distress and hadn’t been sleeping and was miserable …. after Gary worked on her, she slept for 10 hours straight. She has been committed in seeing Gary every week for 4 years and she is relieved with a night and day difference when she leaves office.

— Natalie Kidd

I had low back pain for two years and Gary was able to get rid of it in three sessions.  His goal is to make you pain free and that’s what you’ll get.

— Diante F., Boulder, CO


Gary is really amazing. He had helped me in just one session more than years of chiropractic/PT didn’t (though I still use them and they are great). It’s not regular massage. You lay on your back with your clothes on. Gary pressed points in the body. I left his office feeling the best I’ve felt in a very long time. Yes, he likes to talk … so just let him know if you prefer silence.

— Naama


Gary freed me of my crippling, lower back pain in one 90 minute session. Before it really hurt to move, and not move, and now I feel great. Amazing!

— Jen


Probably the most skilled bodyworker I’ve ever seen.

— Barine


Didn’t know what to expect, wound up walking out of the session with about a 90% reduction in pain.

— Kevin


Great experience! Felt a significant improvement after just one 90 minute session.

— Sam


Wonderful treatment. I’ve had deep tissue/ therapeutic massages regularly for 25 years as well as physical therapy and years of chiropractic care for musculoskeletal issues. No one has helped improve my posture as Gary has in just one treatment. If you want fluff and temporary relaxation this is not the place for you. If you want real results that you take home with you Gary is the one to see.

— Anne


I did think I was getting a massage. But this is something different, special and amazing! His technique is to rid your body of all the pain that keeps you miserable. I also have a generalized anxiety disorder that adds to the pain significantly. Gary’s way to approaching pain, and reminding me to breathe, left me feeling so much better and more relaxed than any deep-tissue massage I’ve had so far!

— Cheryl


He was very knowledgeable and kind. Generous with his time and effort. Thank you for your kindness. I would do it again.

— Luis


Personable. Informative. Knowledgeable. Instructive.

— Ray


I have scoliosis and have struggled for years to alleviate the knots and pain it causes, Gary was the first person to make a lasting difference in my back. I can even turn my neck all the way to the left now without it hurting. It wasn’t massage, but it was definitely the most relaxed I’ve ever felt leaving a therapist’s office!

— Kendall


Second time going to see Gary! He was wonderful once again. Highly recommend if you have any aches or pains. He really knows how to make lasting change 🙂

— Kendall


Gary is very knowledgeable in his trade and I walked out of his office with less pain than I had when I walked in! I recommend you see him if you struggle with pain!

— Megan


Go into Gary’s office with an open mind and some pain, come out feeling A LOT better.

— Charles


Amazing… He is the real deal 🙂

— Anna


Gary does beyond amazing work at a very fair price. I give him credit for healing my back after a bad rock climbing fall.

— Very highly recommended!

Brandon Wilcox
5 out of 5, Facebook

I went in with back/knee pain and went out without the pain. It has been a week and the pain has not come back.

— Karen Gross
5 out of 5, Facebook

I have had lower back pain for my entire adult life and have tried everything to help it, from chiropractors to physical therapy – nothing seemed to really work. Then I was lucky enough to find Gary. After only one session the pain was less and I had more movement. I tell everyone I know about him, he truly has a gift!

— Soma Helen Escobedo

Gary Remes has an amazing, unique bodywork approach. He’ll like, press a point on your knee, and your tight shoulder on the other side releases. WH-A-A-A-T?! Amazing. He seems to know all the ways the meridians and muscles interconnect and how to get them to release painful patterns. He’s a freakin’ genius … and priced way too cheap in my opinion.

— Tad Hanna

Great experience. Felt  a significant improvement after just one 90-minute session.

— Sam

My session was not a massage but a trigger point therapy to immediately end my back and knee pain.

— Charles 

Gary is well-versed in both his knowledge and skillset as a healing practitioner. He not only aligns your musculature, he teaches you life lessons in the process and fills you with awareness of yourself ~ I highly recommend his practice and the relief that his interventions bring!

— Ryan Topel

Gary is a miracle worker. I’m very pleased with his extensive knowledge of the human body and it’s systems. I’m consistently amazed at how good I feel after a session. My posture is getting better day by day and my leg and back pain is so much better.

— Dustin Sagrillo

Fascial work alone is like hitting one note on a piano. When applied along with the acupressure, nervous system and muscular components – … you create a melody.

— Dr. Karen von Merveldt-Guevara

Fabulous; highly recommended. 

— C. Rose

He was terrific!

 — Barbara Bronk

Very talented & interesting …

 — Julie Howard

My friend got a living social deal to see him and said the technique he used to help her MS was “life changing.”  She thought I’d benefit so I got a living social deal and he was able to get my dizziness to go away! I highly recommend him!

— Jacqueline Hooper

I was glad that Gary was excellent because the last massage I had was from a new therapist. She did not listen to me at all! I specifically told her where the areas that hurt twice and she brushed over them. Gary directly worked on them and others I never even knew that they even hurt. Now I know what works – NFR!

 — B. Jones

If you are looking for Myofascial Release therapy (think fibromyalgia and related pain syndromes), Gary is the best. I’m seeing him regularly now.        

— Linda Haney 

Gary found the source of my back pain and it is gone! He was very professional – I will be back.

 — Jen Holiday

Gary explained what was going on with my back and neck pain. And I left pain free.    

 — Brenda Smith

Gary really addressed my body’s concerns not just masking my symptoms. It was truly the best treatment experience I ever had.

— Rebecca May

I was visiting from out of state for a wedding and truly wish that Gary was in my neighborhood. My pains are gone that was great.

 — Mary King 

Unique and gentle. I usually like deep tissue massage, but this technique was gentle – long pressure and extremely relaxing. It helped calm my sciatica hip pain very effectively. 

 — Jennie Crittenden 

Gary is one of the best.

— Teresa Crossland

He has the great passion and loves what he does, recommending to people I love. 

— Chu Hee Lee 

Gary knows his stuff! He helped my plantar fasciitis in one session.

 — Cris Braddock

This is a technique unlike any I have ever experienced, and I have had many different massages and treatments.

After a session my body felt lighter and areas of chronic tension (such as my neck and lower back) had disappeared.

I was able to lay flatter and stand taller. I work as a primary physician. I treat many patients with musculoskeletal problems. I believe this technique could benefit individuals with chronic pain. I sincerely hope Mr. Remes will teach this technique to others and I want to thank him for sharing it with me.

— Sylvia R. James, M.D.

I have a very complicated orthopedic history and have been in PT all my life. However, as time went on, both I and my therapists knew this was not really helping so I started looking into massage therapy to manage my pain. I stumbled upon Gary through a Groupon and was blown away by the myriad of alternative treatments he is knowledgeable in.

I was supposed to have surgery this fall but that is no longer necessary. Even my doctors have noticed such a difference. He is the only person they want treating me. I go in with complaints and he instinctively goes in with some modality and takes care of it while explaining what it is that is causing the issues. I have been poked and prodded since the age of four and never have I met someone with such skill nor experienced positive results so quickly.

Gary is compassionate and intuitive, often finding areas that cause me pain that I was somehow unaware of. I feel obligated to share the amazing treatment he provides as having dealt with these issues my whole life, I know how pain left unchecked can impact your whole life. Therefore I want to let others know that there are skilled and compassionate people out there and Gary Remes is the best I have ever encountered by far. I cannot imagine where I would be had I not found him … most likely on an operating table … that truly terrifies me.

– Stephanie H.

Look no further – you have found Gary Remes, the best combination of body worker and massage therapist. Gary has helped cure my chronic TMJ. I no longer suffer from its uncomfortable symptoms. He has successfully treated all the muscle and bone related problems that I had for the five years he has been my body worker. Gary brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and a natural ability to his work.

— Joanne Lewis Holiday

NFR left me feeling like he gave me a new body. My scoliosis was so changed that it felt like my spine was perfectly straight for a few weeks. I will continue my sessions with Gary Remes.

— Sharisse Parker Kline

I would like to thank Gary Remes for his NFR – it has gotten rid of the numbness in my hands. I have had MS for twenty years and I can now move easier. Wow thanks!

— Robert Hill

I have experienced Gary Remes as an exceptional massage therapist. His presence and very developed healing techniques are profoundly outstanding.

— Mystica Andreoli

Gary: You have many gifts: thank you for sharing these with me.

— Robert Baron

Dear Gary, I hope you remember me. Surely, I know I will remember you as having made a positive effect on my life. Your healing hands gave back to me range of motion in my neck and freedom from pain in my lower back, which I have not felt for a long, long time. I have a deep appreciation for the impact you have made on me and the impact it has created in my life. I believe in Bashert. Had I not tried your NFR our paths would have not crossed. Therefore, I have come to one conclusion that the only solution for me is to return to Boulder for your most magical manipulation. I will look forward to seeing you again. You make a difference to the lives you touch … one person at a time!

— Gratefully yours, Emily Kay

This is a note to let you know that my ankle is so much better. I went for a hike – guess what? no pain!

— Judy Stipanovich

Gary found the source of my back pain and it is gone! He was very professional. I will be back.

— Jen Holiday

Gary explained what was going on with my back and neck pain. And I left pain free.

— Brenda Smith

Gary really addressed my body’s concerns, not just masking my symptoms. It was truly the best experience I have ever had.

— Rebecca May

I was visiting from out of state for a wedding and truly wish that Gary was I my neighborhood. My pains are gone – that was great!

— Mary King

I was glad that Gary was excellent because the last massage I had was from a new therapist. She did not listen to me at all! I specifically told her where the areas that hurt twice and she brushed over them. Gary directly worked on them, and others that I never even knew hurt. Now I know what works – NFR!

— B. Jones

Neuro Fascial Re-Education is a technique that’s hard to put into words. So all I can say is I had clothes on and at times Gary used some kinesiology moves, and at times trigger point therapy, but I came out feeling lighter and pain-free. I felt that way for a few days. 

— Rima Suqi

The best ever – even better than the PT’s and MD’s that I have seen! 

— Corina B.

Gary Remes is a miracle worker!!! I’ve seen many healers, but he really stands out for his gentle touch, yet powerful impact. His expertise in bodywork is truly incredible. I came to him with chronic pain, and within 2 treatments have had some of the best outcomes in years. Highly recommend his services to anyone seeking top-notch care and results!!! I’m flying him out to the Bay Area because he’s that good!

–Monique Nyugen, San Francisco

Gary has performed little miracles on my body, helping me with unique and complex problems that haven’t been treatable through traditional medicine. My first few times working with him I teared-up after experiencing relief from a gripping, tight rib cage that was restricting my breathing from scoliosis. Other body workers and massage therapists haven’t been able to help me at all in this way.

The most amazing thing was when he repositioned my bladder by working on my abdomen, immediately ending what was inaccurately diagnosed as “reactive bladder.” It was simply out of position from scoliosis. I had worked for weeks with a bladder specialist who hadn’t helped. Gary’s approach ended a 2-year problem in one session.
— Angela B., Boulder

For Neuro Emotional Kinesiology

Dear Gary,

I returned home to California after being away for a few weeks. The depths of our conversation about my deaf parents created a huge opening for me.

I am grateful for the support you offered me. It was healing to relax and realize I am very much a part of my parents and very proud of the handicap. I am freed in my heart.

— Electra Red Shift

Gary. Thank you for your help in “shoveling some of the snow” that was blocking my path in my journey through life. I will do my best to hold as much of your wisdom in my heart, mind and soul.


— Joel Goodman